Source code for tamr_unify_client.client

from urllib.parse import urljoin

import requests
from requests import Response

from tamr_unify_client.dataset.collection import DatasetCollection
from tamr_unify_client.project.collection import ProjectCollection

# monkey-patch Response.successful

def successful(self):
    """Checks that this response did not encounter an HTTP error (i.e. status code indicates success: 2xx, 3xx).

    :raises :class:`requests.exceptions.HTTPError`: If an HTTP error is encountered.
    :return: The calling response (i.e. ``self``).
    :rtype: :class:`requests.Response`
    return self

Response.successful = successful

[docs]class Client: """Python Client for Unify API. Each client is specific to a specific origin (protocol, host, port). :param auth: Unify-compatible Authentication provider. **Recommended**: use one of the classes described in :ref:`authentication` :type auth: :class:`requests.auth.AuthBase` :param host: Host address of remote Unify instance (e.g. ``). Default: `'localhost'` :type host: str :param protocol: Either `'http'` or `'https'`. Default: `'http'` :type protocol: str :param port: Unify instance main port. Default: `9100` :type port: int :param base_path: Base API path. Requests made by this client will be relative to this path. Default: `'api/versioned/v1/'` :type base_path: str :param session: Session to use for API calls. Default: A new default `requests.Session()`. :type session: requests.Session Usage: >>> import tamr_unify_client as api >>> from tamr_unify_client.auth import UsernamePasswordAuth >>> auth = UsernamePasswordAuth('my username', 'my password') >>> local = api.Client(auth) # on http://localhost:9100 >>> remote = api.Client(auth, protocol='https', host='') # on """ def __init__( self, auth, host="localhost", protocol="http", port=9100, base_path="/api/versioned/v1/", session=None, ): self.auth = auth = host self.protocol = protocol self.port = port self.base_path = base_path self.session = session or requests.Session() self._projects = ProjectCollection(self) self._datasets = DatasetCollection(self) # logging self.logger = None # if not self.base_path.startswith("/"): self.base_path = "/" + self.base_path if not self.base_path.endswith("/"): self.base_path = self.base_path + "/" def default_log_entry(method, url, response): return f"{method} {url} : {response.status_code}" self.log_entry = None @property def origin(self): """HTTP origin i.e. ``<protocol>://<host>[:<port>]``. For additional information, see `MDN web docs <>`_ . :type: str """ return f"{self.protocol}://{}:{self.port}"
[docs] def request(self, method, endpoint, **kwargs): """Sends an authenticated request to the server. The URL for the request will be ``"<origin>/<base_path>/<endpoint>"``. :param method: The HTTP method for the request to be sent. :type method: str :param endpoint: API endpoint to call (relative to the Base API path for this client). :type endpoint: str :return: HTTP response :rtype: :class:`requests.Response` """ url = urljoin(self.origin + self.base_path, endpoint) response = self.session.request(method, url, auth=self.auth, **kwargs) # logging if self.logger: log_message = self.log_entry(method, url, response) return response
[docs] def get(self, endpoint, **kwargs): """Calls :func:`~tamr_unify_client.Client.request` with the ``"GET"`` method. """ return self.request("GET", endpoint, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, endpoint, **kwargs): """Calls :func:`~tamr_unify_client.Client.request` with the ``"POST"`` method. """ return self.request("POST", endpoint, **kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, endpoint, **kwargs): """Calls :func:`~tamr_unify_client.Client.request` with the ``"PUT"`` method. """ return self.request("PUT", endpoint, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, endpoint, **kwargs): """Calls :func:`~tamr_unify_client.Client.request` with the ``"DELETE"`` method. """ return self.request("DELETE", endpoint, **kwargs)
@property def projects(self): """Collection of all projects on this Unify instance. :return: Collection of all projects. :rtype: :class:`~tamr_unify_client.project.collection.ProjectCollection` """ return self._projects @property def datasets(self): """Collection of all datasets on this Unify instance. :return: Collection of all datasets. :rtype: :class:`~tamr_unify_client.dataset.collection.DatasetCollection` """ return self._datasets def __repr__(self): # Show only the type `auth` to mitigate any security concerns. return ( f"{self.__class__.__module__}." f"{self.__class__.__qualname__}(" f"host={!r}, " f"protocol={self.protocol!r}, " f"port={self.port!r}, " f"base_path={self.base_path!r}, " f"auth={type(self.auth).__name__})" )