from time import sleep, time as now
from tamr_unify_client.base_resource import BaseResource
[docs]class Operation(BaseResource):
"""A long-running operation performed by Tamr.
Operations appear on the "Jobs" page of the Tamr UI.
By design, client-side operations represent server-side operations *at a
particular point in time* (namely, when the operation was fetched from the
server). In other words: Operations *will not* pick up on server-side
changes automatically. To get an up-to-date representation, refetch the
operation e.g. ``op = op.poll()``.
def from_json(cls, client, resource_json, api_path=None):
return super().from_data(client, resource_json, api_path)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_response(cls, client, response):
Handle idiosyncrasies in constructing Operations from Tamr responses.
When a Tamr API call would start an operation, but all results that would be
produced by that operation are already up-to-date, Tamr returns `HTTP 204 No Content`
To make it easy for client code to handle these API responses without checking
the response code, this method will either construct an Operation, or a
dummy `NoOp` operation representing the 204 Success response.
:param client: Delegate underlying API calls to this client.
:type client: :class:`~tamr_unify_client.Client`
:param response: HTTP Response from the request that started the operation.
:type response: :class:`requests.Response`
:return: Operation
:rtype: :class:`~tamr_unify_client.operation.Operation`
if response.status_code == 204:
# Operation was successful, but the response contains no content.
# Create a dummy operation to represent this.
_never = "0000-00-00T00:00:00.000Z"
_description = """Tamr returned HTTP 204 for this operation, indicating that all
results that would be produced by the operation are already up-to-date."""
resource_json = {
"id": "-1",
"type": "NOOP",
"description": _description,
"status": {
"state": "SUCCEEDED",
"startTime": _never,
"endTime": _never,
"message": "",
"created": {"username": "", "time": _never, "version": "-1"},
"lastModified": {"username": "", "time": _never, "version": "-1"},
"relativeId": "operations/-1",
resource_json = response.json()
return Operation.from_json(client, resource_json)
[docs] def apply_options(self, asynchronous=False, **options):
"""Applies operation options to this operation.
**NOTE**: This function **should not** be called directly. Rather, options should be
passed in through a higher-level function e.g. :func:`~tamr_unify_client.dataset.resource.Dataset.refresh` .
Synchronous mode:
Automatically waits for operation to resolve before returning the
asynchronous mode:
Immediately return the ``'PENDING'`` operation. It is
up to the user to coordinate this operation with their code via
:func:`~tamr_unify_client.operation.Operation.wait` and/or
:func:`~tamr_unify_client.operation.Operation.poll` .
:param asynchronous: Whether or not to run in asynchronous mode. Default: ``False``.
:type asynchronous: bool
:param ``**options``: When running in synchronous mode, these options are
passed to the underlying :func:`~tamr_unify_client.operation.Operation.wait` call.
:return: Operation with options applied.
:rtype: :class:`~tamr_unify_client.operation.Operation`
if asynchronous:
return self
return self.wait(**options)
def type(self):
""":type: str"""
return self._data.get("type")
def description(self):
""":type: str"""
return self._data.get("description")
def status(self):
return self._data.get("status")
def state(self):
"""Server-side state of this operation.
Operation state can be unresolved (i.e. ``state`` is one of: ``'PENDING'``, ``'RUNNING'``),
or resolved (i.e. `state` is one of: ``'CANCELED'``, ``'SUCCEEDED'``, ``'FAILED'``).
Unless opting into asynchronous mode, all exposed operations should be resolved.
Note: you only need to manually pick up server-side changes when opting into asynchronous mode when kicking off this operation.
>>> op.state # operation is currently 'PENDING'
>>> op.wait() # continually polls until operation resolves
>>> op.state # incorrect usage; operation object state never changes.
>>> op = op.poll() # correct usage; use value returned by Operation.poll or Operation.wait
>>> op.state
return (self.status or {}).get("state")
[docs] def poll(self):
"""Poll this operation for server-side updates.
Does not update the calling :class:`~tamr_unify_client.operation.Operation` object.
Instead, returns a new :class:`~tamr_unify_client.operation.Operation`.
:return: Updated representation of this operation.
:rtype: :class:`~tamr_unify_client.operation.Operation`
op_json = self.client.get(self.api_path).successful().json()
return Operation.from_json(self.client, op_json)
[docs] def wait(self, poll_interval_seconds=3, timeout_seconds=None):
"""Continuously polls for this operation's server-side state.
:param int poll_interval_seconds: Time interval (in seconds) between subsequent polls.
:param int timeout_seconds: Time (in seconds) to wait for operation to resolve.
:raises TimeoutError: If operation takes longer than `timeout_seconds` to resolve.
:return: Resolved operation.
:rtype: :class:`~tamr_unify_client.operation.Operation`
started = now()
op = self
while timeout_seconds is None or now() - started < timeout_seconds:
if op.state in ["PENDING", "RUNNING"]:
elif op.state in ["CANCELED", "SUCCEEDED", "FAILED"]:
return op
op = op.poll()
raise TimeoutError(
f"Waiting for operation took longer than {timeout_seconds} seconds."
[docs] def succeeded(self):
"""Convenience method for checking if operation was successful.
:return: ``True`` if operation's state is ``'SUCCEEDED'``, ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: :py:class:`bool`
return self.state == "SUCCEEDED"
def __repr__(self):
return (
f"relative_id={self.relative_id!r}, "
f"description={self.description!r}, "